What is crypto? (Old) Ciphers: substitution cipher, polyalphabetic, Vigenere, Enigma. Perfect secrecy, Vernam cipher.
Stream ciphers. Pseudo random bit generators. Predictability. Statistical tests. Examples: LFSRs, shrinking generators. WEP 802.11b, RC4, GSM (A5/1), DVD (CSS). Modern stream ciphers: eStream.
Feistel network. Substitution-permutation network. Linear, differential crypanalysis tutorial. Wang's attack on MD5.
Hash functions (Intro to hashing by Krystian Matusiewicz). Random oracles. Cryptographic sponge functions (sponge) (Keccak/SHA-3).
CCA security. Authenticated encryption. Message authentication codes.
Public key crypto. Merkle's cryptosystem. Diffie-Hellman - New directions in cryptography. Rivest-Shamir-Adleman - A method for obtaining digital signatures and public key cryptosystems. Hellman-Merkle trapdoor knapsack. ElGamal cryptosystem.
Factoring algorithms: Dixon's random squares, Quadratic Sieve, Number Field Sieve. Discrete log: Baby-step giant-step, Rho-Pollard, NFS
Secure multiparty computation. Garbled circuits. GMW (Goldreich, Micali, Widgerson) algorithm. Fully-homomorphic encryption.
Assignment 1 (12-13 III)
Assignment 2 (19-20 III)
Assignment 3 (26-27 III)
Assignment 4 (8-9 IV)
Assignment 5 (9-10 IV)
Assignment 6 (16-17 IV)
Assignment 7 (23-24 IV)
(30 IV, 8 V). Problems from previous problem sets: 7.7, 7.8 (sharing the same modulus / sharing a common factor), 7.12 (think of different applications/scenarios, think of MAC, think of Zero Knowledge Proofs i.e., non-interactive ZKPs), 6.9, 6.10
Assignment 8 (14-15 V)
Assignment 9 (21-22 V)
Assignment 10 (11-12 VI)
Lab 1: Lab1 (due: 13 III). Data: Enter your student's number
Lab 2: Lab2 (due: 22 III). Data: Enter your student's number
Lab 3: Lab3 (due: 29 III).
Lab 4: Lab4 (due: 7 IV).
Lab 5: Lab5 (due: 19 IV).
Lab 6: Lab6 (due: 26 IV).
Lab 7: Lab7 (due: 17 V).
Terminy egzaminów (wspólne dla obu sekcji) jeżeli ktoś pisze w tym czasie poprawkę z innego przedmiotu (kolizja terminu 26 VI), proszony jest o kontakt.
I termin: 26 VI, C11 P.01, 13 - 16
II termin: 1 VII, D1 312b, 10 - 14
Osoby, które nie uzyskały 50% z laboratorium proszone są o kontakt (w celu uzgodnienia zadania zaliczeniowego).
Osoby, ktore nie osiągnęły 50% punktów z ćwiczeń mogą przyjść na egzamin (ale będą musiały zdobyć więcej punktów...).
0-25: JesczeTuWrócę, 94114, Fifi_0623$, 134, Player(v1), irys, Hanibalhit, AEDW, Kryptopseudonim666, Krzysiekabc, lala, Ciphersaurus
30: Puchatek
35: MokryJohn, RadosławRumian, Scorpio
40: SashaGrey, Cryptoexception
45: Rootkio, p4-+.., WhiteTiger
50: Eatos, Marik1234, Numa
60: CryptoMaster, Cryptosi055
65: Pozdrawiam Mamę
75: Michow, 558751
80: HumFai
85: Ender
90: gandalf
100: 1badguy