What is crypto? (Old) Ciphers: substitution cipher, polyalphabetic, Vigenere, Enigma. Perfect secrecy, Vernam cipher.
Perfect indistinguishability. Eavesdropping experiment. Pseudorandomness. Constructing encryption scheme from a pseudorandom generators. Bad stream ciphers: RC4, E0, A5/1, A5/2, CSS.
Chosen Plaintext Attack. Pseudo-random functions
Pseudo-random permutations. Strong pseudo-random permutations
How to construct a block cipher: substitution-permutation networks, Feistel Networks.
Message authentication codes, digital signatures.
Introduction to number theory. Introduction to group theory.
Assignment 1 (26 II - 2 III)
Assignment 2 (5-9 III)
Assignment 3 (12-16 III)
Assignment 4 (19-23 III)
Assignment 5 (26-30 III)
(Security track:) Linear Cryptanalysis 4 IV
Assignment 6 (9-13 IV)
Hash functions: Merkle-Damgard construction vs Sponge. (Intro to hashing)
Assignment 7 (23-27 IV)
Assignment 8 (7-25 V)
Assignment 9 (4-8 VI)
Assignment 10 (11-15 VI)
Lab 1: Lab1 (due: 11 III).
Lab 2: Lab2 (due 25 III). Data: Enter your student's number
Lab 3: Lab3 (due 1 IV).
Lab 4: Lab4 (due 21 IV).
Lab 5: Lab5 (due 12 V).
Project: Project (due 1VI/9 VI/23 VI).
Final grade is computed from partial grades: Egzam (50%), Labs (25%), Classes (25%)
Classes are graded based on 3 short tests
To pass labs, you need to get 50 (out of 100) points
Grades: 3 - from 50%, 4 - from 70%, 5 - from 85%